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English translation for "efficient processing"


Related Translations:
efficient:  adj.1.有效的,有力的;效率高的。2.有实力的;有能力的,有本领的;能胜任的。短语和例子efficient cause 【哲学】动因。adv.-ly
efficient algorithm:  有效算法
efficient code:  有效码
efficient silencer:  高效消音器
efficient lawyer:  能干的律师
energy efficient:  电效率
efficient frontier:  效率界限效率前沿效率前缘效率限界有效边界
utilization efficient:  利用效率
efficient system:  有效的系统
transfer efficient:  转换效率
Example Sentences:
1.To ensure the most efficient processing of their visa
2.Survey in the assembly process , improve the unreasonable and low efficient process
3.The query processor uses statistics to help select the most appropriate index for efficient processing
4.Web services are being adopted in the marketplace as a mechanism for efficient process integration in the enterprise
5.Well , that ' s not a very efficient process , so this page and the links below aim to give you a helping hand
6.In order to give a more efficient process design , sometimes we need to know the detailed information in the composite curve
7.Scheduling plays important role in port work , which is a guarantee in efficient process of port work and affects benefit of port companies
8.Gfs engineers came up with innovative ideas to make data logging a much more efficient process in investigation flights scheduled this year
9.Gfs engineers came up with innovative ideas to make data logging a much more efficient process in investigation flights scheduled this year
10.Instant transmission of data and acknowledgement of receipt and more efficient processing of tax returns . ready access to the return data through the viewing and printing function
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